Direct Government payments to U.S. farm producers, 2020–24F

Billion 2024 dollars

Stacked bar chart with 5 groups and 6 items per group.

Group 1, 2020.
Item 1, USDA pandemic assistance 1/ 27.992367.
Item 2, Non-USDA pandemic assistance 2/ 6.997813.
Item 3, Market Facilitation Program payments 4.499278.
Item 4, All other payments 2.467102.
Item 5, Payments that are a function of crop prices 3/ 7.740963.
Item 6, Conservation payments 4.538545.
Group 2, 2021.
Item 1, USDA pandemic assistance 1/ 8.520031.
Item 2, Non-USDA pandemic assistance 2/ 9.79837.
Item 3, Market Facilitation Program payments 0.020999.
Item 4, All other payments 3.333721.
Item 5, Payments that are a function of crop prices 3/ 3.837046.
Item 6, Conservation payments 4.020169.
Group 3, 2022.
Item 1, USDA pandemic assistance 1/ 0.193791.
Item 2, Non-USDA pandemic assistance 2/ No data.
Item 3, Market Facilitation Program payments 0.001263.
Item 4, All other payments 12.044568.
Item 5, Payments that are a function of crop prices 3/ 0.536881.
Item 6, Conservation payments 3.762392.
Group 4, 2023.
Item 1, USDA pandemic assistance 1/ 0.547102.
Item 2, Non-USDA pandemic assistance 2/ No data.
Item 3, Market Facilitation Program payments 0.001369.
Item 4, All other payments 6.790596.
Item 5, Payments that are a function of crop prices 3/ 1.505963.
Item 6, Conservation payments 3.733188.
Group 5, 2024F.
Item 1, USDA pandemic assistance 1/ 0.03.
Item 2, Non-USDA pandemic assistance 2/ No data.
Item 3, Market Facilitation Program payments No data.
Item 4, All other payments 6.11156.
Item 5, Payments that are a function of crop prices 3/ 0.232266.
Item 6, Conservation payments 4.042063.

F = forecast. Values are adjusted for inflation using the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product Price Index (BEA API series code: A191RG) rebased to 2024 by USDA, Economic Research Service. 1/ Includes payments from the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program and other USDA pandemic assistance for producers. 2/ Includes forgiven loans from the Paycheck Protection Program. 3/ Includes Price Loss Coverage, Agriculture Risk Coverage, loan deficiency payments (excluding grazeout payments), marketing loan gains, and dairy payments.

Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Farm Income and Wealth Statistics. Data as of September 5, 2024.