Stacked bar chart with 21 groups and 7 items per group.
Million metric tons of carbon-dioxide equivalent
Group 1, 2002.
Item 1, Commercial 1186.9.
Item 2, Residential 1185.6.
Item 3, Agriculture 672.8.
Item 4, U.S. territories 54.6.
Item 5, Industry 2310.2.
Item 6, Transportation 1919.7.
Item 7, LULUCF -924.8.
Group 2, 2003.
Item 1, Commercial 1203.6.
Item 2, Residential 1215.2.
Item 3, Agriculture 667.3.
Item 4, U.S. territories 58.5.
Item 5, Industry 2314.2.
Item 6, Transportation 1928.
Item 7, LULUCF -957.9.
Group 3, 2004.
Item 1, Commercial 1220.9.
Item 2, Residential 1213.3.
Item 3, Agriculture 676.1.
Item 4, U.S. territories 60.6.
Item 5, Industry 2360.7.
Item 6, Transportation 1960.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -860.2.
Group 4, 2005.
Item 1, Commercial 1241.1.
Item 2, Residential 1247.7.
Item 3, Agriculture 672.6.
Item 4, U.S. territories 59.7.
Item 5, Industry 2302.9.
Item 6, Transportation 1970.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -907.7.
Group 5, 2006.
Item 1, Commercial 1223.
Item 2, Residential 1185.
Item 3, Agriculture 677.2.
Item 4, U.S. territories 58.
Item 5, Industry 2315.
Item 6, Transportation 1971.
Item 7, LULUCF -951.9.
Group 6, 2007.
Item 1, Commercial 1266.3.
Item 2, Residential 1238.6.
Item 3, Agriculture 700.4.
Item 4, U.S. territories 54.2.
Item 5, Industry 2298.
Item 6, Transportation 1972.4.
Item 7, LULUCF -900.3.
Group 7, 2008.
Item 1, Commercial 1260.
Item 2, Residential 1226.3.
Item 3, Agriculture 684.2.
Item 4, U.S. territories 43.8.
Item 5, Industry 2243.8.
Item 6, Transportation 1868.2.
Item 7, LULUCF -912.8.
Group 8, 2009.
Item 1, Commercial 1199.9.
Item 2, Residential 1159.7.
Item 3, Agriculture 680.1.
Item 4, U.S. territories 41.8.
Item 5, Industry 1991.9.
Item 6, Transportation 1793.6.
Item 7, LULUCF -850.9.
Group 9, 2010.
Item 1, Commercial 1222.2.
Item 2, Residential 1215.4.
Item 3, Agriculture 687.7.
Item 4, U.S. territories 36.5.
Item 5, Industry 2104.5.
Item 6, Transportation 1799.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -886.3.
Group 10, 2011.
Item 1, Commercial 1181.5.
Item 2, Residential 1158.8.
Item 3, Agriculture 682.6.
Item 4, U.S. territories 35.2.
Item 5, Industry 2086.9.
Item 6, Transportation 1766.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -941.7.
Group 11, 2012.
Item 1, Commercial 1124.2.
Item 2, Residential 1049.8.
Item 3, Agriculture 667.7.
Item 4, U.S. territories 34.2.
Item 5, Industry 2037.4.
Item 6, Transportation 1747.6.
Item 7, LULUCF -929.2.
Group 12, 2013.
Item 1, Commercial 1151.9.
Item 2, Residential 1110.9.
Item 3, Agriculture 700.8.
Item 4, U.S. territories 28.9.
Item 5, Industry 2101.7.
Item 6, Transportation 1751.1.
Item 7, LULUCF -886.6.
Group 13, 2014.
Item 1, Commercial 1163.7.
Item 2, Residential 1131.1.
Item 3, Agriculture 705.2.
Item 4, U.S. territories 29.1.
Item 5, Industry 2091.2.
Item 6, Transportation 1785.6.
Item 7, LULUCF -923.7.
Group 14, 2015.
Item 1, Commercial 1132.5.
Item 2, Residential 1052.9.
Item 3, Agriculture 698.6.
Item 4, U.S. territories 29.3.
Item 5, Industry 2029.1.
Item 6, Transportation 1793.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -820.2.
Group 15, 2016.
Item 1, Commercial 1086.9.
Item 2, Residential 998.7.
Item 3, Agriculture 689.5.
Item 4, U.S. territories 27.
Item 5, Industry 1949.1.
Item 6, Transportation 1828.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -916.8.
Group 16, 2017.
Item 1, Commercial 1060.2.
Item 2, Residential 963.1.
Item 3, Agriculture 697.3.
Item 4, U.S. territories 26.3.
Item 5, Industry 1957.8.
Item 6, Transportation 1846.4.
Item 7, LULUCF -926.
Group 17, 2018.
Item 1, Commercial 1074.3.
Item 2, Residential 1035.9.
Item 3, Agriculture 722.7.
Item 4, U.S. territories 26.3.
Item 5, Industry 2017.1.
Item 6, Transportation 1876.5.
Item 7, LULUCF -915.5.
Group 18, 2019.
Item 1, Commercial 1030.5.
Item 2, Residential 984.
Item 3, Agriculture 696.3.
Item 4, U.S. territories 25.1.
Item 5, Industry 1974.8.
Item 6, Transportation 1879.5.
Item 7, LULUCF -863.6.
Group 19, 2020.
Item 1, Commercial 931.5.
Item 2, Residential 919.5.
Item 3, Agriculture 674.4.
Item 4, U.S. territories 23.4.
Item 5, Industry 1823.5.
Item 6, Transportation 1629.5.
Item 7, LULUCF -904.4.
Group 20, 2021.
Item 1, Commercial 976.8.
Item 2, Residential 958.
Item 3, Agriculture 681.6.
Item 4, U.S. territories 23.9.
Item 5, Industry 1877.8.
Item 6, Transportation 1810.6.
Item 7, LULUCF -910.6.
Group 21, 2022.
Item 1, Commercial 1002.6.
Item 2, Residential 973.5.
Item 3, Agriculture 663.6.
Item 4, U.S. territories 22.7.
Item 5, Industry 1872.9.
Item 6, Transportation 1807.8.
Item 7, LULUCF -854.2.
Note: Emissions from electric power are allocated based on aggregate electricity use in each end-use sector. Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) includes carbon stock changes and the net of all LULUCF methane and nitrous oxide emissions.
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, April 2024: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2022, table ES-6 (extended data file).