Population change by county's place on the rural-urban continuum, 2001-08 and 2010-17
Percent change
Bar chart with 5 groups with 2 items per group.
Group 1, Metro central.
Item 1, 2001-08 7.1.
Item 2, 2010-17 6.3.
Group 2, Metro outlying.
Item 1, 2001-08 11.2.
Item 2, 2010-17 6.
Group 3, Nonmetro adjacent.
Item 1, 2001-08 3.3.
Item 2, 2010-17 -0.5.
Group 4, Nonadjacent with town.
Item 1, 2001-08 2.4.
Item 2, 2010-17 -0.3.
Group 5, Nonadjacent without town.
Item 1, 2001-08 -1.
Item 2, 2010-17 -1.7.
Note: Categories are based on 2013 metro definitions. Metro central counties contain urbanized areas of 50,000 people or more. Metro outlying counties are tied to central counties through high commuting levels (25% and higher). Nonmetro adjacent counties are both physically adjacent to a metro area and have 2-25 percent commuting to the central counties. Nonadjacent counties are divided into those with and without urban populations. Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.