Billion dollars
Floating bar chart with 9 items.
Item 1, Net farm income 2024F (as of December 2024), value of 140.71918.
Item 2, Crop receipts, value of -1.072366.
Item 3, Value of crop inventory change, value of -1.914552.
Item 4, Animals/products receipts, value of 1.005607.
Item 5, Value of animals/ products inventory change, value of -0.319364.
Item 6, Production expenses, value of 1.045534.
Item 7, Government payments, value of -1.264045.
Item 8, All other changes, value of 0.883932.
Item 9, Net farm income 2024 (as of February 2025), value of 139.08392.
Note: Components may not sum to total revision because of rounding.
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Farm Income and Wealth Statistics. Data as of February 6, 2025.