Percent of U.S. farms or value of production
Age and retirement status of principal operator
Group 1, Younger than 55, Total value of 28.6.
Item 1, Retired value of 1.4 which is 4.9% of Younger than 55.
Item 2, Not retired value of 27.2 which is 95.1% of Younger than 55.
Group 2, 55 to 64, Total value of 35.6.
Item 1, Retired value of 4.4 which is 12.4% of 55 to 64.
Item 2, Not retired value of 31.2 which is 87.6% of 55 to 64.
Group 3, 65 or older, Total value of 35.8.
Item 1, Retired value of 12.4 which is 34.6% of 65 or older.
Item 2, Not retired value of 23.4 which is 65.4% of 65 or older.
Value of productionGroup 4, , Total value of 0.
Group 5, Younger than 55, Total value of 35.4.
Item 1, Retired value of 0.4 which is 1.1% of Younger than 55.
Item 2, Not retired value of 35 which is 98.9% of Younger than 55.
Group 6, 55 to 64, Total value of 42.2.
Item 1, Retired value of 1 which is 2.4% of 55 to 64.
Item 2, Not retired value of 41.2 which is 97.6% of 55 to 64.
Group 7, 65 or older, Total value of 22.5.
Item 1, Retired value of 2.5 which is 11.1% of 65 or older.
Item 2, Not retired value of 20 which is 88.9% of 65 or older.
Note: In this figure, farms with a retired principal operator include: retirement farms in the ERS typology plus any midsize, large-scale, and nonfamily farms where the principal operators report they are retired. Source: USDA, Economic Research Service and National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2016 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (data as of December 14, 2017).