Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS) is a standard USDA aggregation of several thousand Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes into hierarchical agricultural groups most used by the public. Using the FATUS groupings, this data product presents summary tables of U.S. merchandise trade, U.S. agricultural trade, value of high-value and bulk commodities, and top country export destinations and import sources for total U.S. agricultural trade.
The FATUS dataset uses U.S. trade data collected by U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census using the United States' Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of 10-digit codes. FATUS maintains current trade data for three different time periods:
- Monthly: U.S. Agricultural Trade Data Update, most current year-to-date monthly data with commodity-level detail and total agricultural trade
- Fiscal year: Annual (Oct.–Sep.) total trade and total agricultural trade
- Calendar year: Annual (Jan.–Dec.) total trade and total agricultural trade
FATUS provides a convenient overview of agricultural trade by product and trading partner for a broad range of applications in business, academia, policy, and research.
Note: The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau) Foreign Trade Statistics division issues commodity-specific corrections in response to investigations initiated by the community of data users. The Census Bureau recently released an unpublished data correction, which replaces some erroneously reported wheat (HS 1001.99.2055) and wheat planting seed (HS 1001.91.0000) exports to China for November 2024 with soybean exports (HS 1201.90.0095) and sorghum exports (HS 1007.90.0000), respectively. The data correction was implemented in USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) March 10 release of January 2025 data in the U.S. Agricultural Trade Data Update datasets and the Calendar year file updates published March 13, 2025. Note that the Census Bureau will not publish the change in the USA Trade Online database until the release of the 13th month data corrections in June 2025.